Staff Orientation
Welcome! Caribou is about service, atmosphere, great food and wine!
Our guests come for our unique offering of contemporary menu items with new world influences. They come for our great martinis, fresh fruit cocktails, and an unprecedented wine list with great selection and value. Most importantly, our guests come for you! Every person on our team of staff contributes positively to the guests’ experience at Caribou. Friendly, efficient, and sincere service with flair and pride will make each person’s experience unique and special.
An important part of the food program at Caribou is our Woodstone 'Mount Adams' wood-fired oven. It weighs over three thousand pounds and took two forklifts to set into place in the kitchen! The ceiling of the oven is a four inch ceramic dome, and the floor is eight inches of ceramic and rigid insulation. The oven is an important tool in our kitchen, adding ‘fire-kissed’ flavour to fresh breads, fish, pastas, and of course pizza! It is also a showpiece in the restaurant and is a major focus of the design and decor of Caribou. The Mt-Adams oven never cools off. Each day a new fire is lit inside to bring the temperature up to more than six hundred degrees. We burn well-seasoned hardwood in our oven; primarily birch which is readily available in this area.
Address & Telephone Information
727 Hewitson Street
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6B5
Phone:(807) 628-8588
- We answer the phone, “Good Morning (afternoon/evening) Caribou, ________ speaking”
- Always say “Caribou” and your name.
- The phone should always be answered by the third ring. All staff are responsible for answering the phone. Don’t worry if you can’t answer a question - we’ll find someone who can!
- The phone is for restaurant business only. Personal calls are restricted to one minute. Expect that messages will be taken if someone calls for you during your shift.
- NO CELL PHONES while you are on shift.
Management Team
Owners: Bob Stewart and Tom Pazianos
General Manager / Head Chef: Craig Vieira
Operations Managers: Dannielle Odahl
Reservation Policy
We accept limited reservations at Caribou. The 'Chef's table' is the exception which we reserve 100% of the time. Please consult a manager for reservation inquiries at all times.
Hours of Operation
Sunday 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Monday through Wednesday 5:00pm - 10:00
Thursday 5:00pm - 11:00
Friday and Saturday 4:30pm - 12:00
Operational Information
- We accept Cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express,and Interac (or Debit Cards). We do not accept personal cheques.
Business cheques may be accepted at the discretion of management.
Gift Cards
- We sell and redeem gift cards at any time. They are available in denominations of $50, $75, $100 or a custom amount.
Seating Plan
- The restaurant tables are numbered to allow for organized, efficient service and operation. All staff must be familiar with the table numbers in the restaurant.
First Aid
- There is a first aid kit located in the prep area outside the office. All accidents must be reported to a manager immediately.
Benefits and Discounts
- Your individual rate was established at the time you were hired and will be reviewed on a regular basis. Pay periods run bimonthly, the 1st of the month to the 15th, and the 16th to the end of the month. Direct deposit will take place on the 7th and the 22nd of each month. Deposit advices are available after 5:00pm on pay day.
- Serving staff contribute to a tip pool which is divided between all of the staff at Caribou.
- Soft drinks, Coffee, and Tea are free all of the time. A 40% discount applies to most food menu items at any time for employees.
- The schedule is posted on Wednesday for the following week. A schedule request is posted for you to mark your preferred shifts and days that you are not available to work. We will do our best to comply with the schedule request, but remember that the restaurant must be staffed each day. There is a two shift minimum, and four shift maximum per week. The schedule request is available for the following week until Sunday afternoon. Holidays can generally be accommodated, but are not permitted between December 29th and January 2nd Schedule changes must be approved by a manager.
- Please do not call to inquire about the schedule. It is your responsibility to know your scheduled shifts at all times.
Procedures, Policies, and Non-Nogotiables
- Repeated lateness is not tolerated. You are expected to be on time for each and every shift. In uncontrollable circumstances, please call if you expect to be late. Remember, you were hired to be dependable and prompt.
- All bartenders/waiters must obtain their Smart Serve certification before starting employment at Caribou.
- Alcohol consumption while working is not tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal.
- When setting up or opening a station, you are expected to be in full dress uniform.
- No smoking, eating, drinking, or gum chewing is tolerated in any public area, food handling area, or in the view of any guests.
- If you come to Caribou to enjoy yourself on a day you are not working, please remember that your fellow staff members are here to do their job. Do not interfere with them, and always keep the needs of our guests first in mind.
- All employees are expected to use the staff washrooms while in uniform and/or on shift. The public washrooms are for guest use only at these times.
- Any staff member handling cash is responsible for the security of that money until it is handed over to a manager at the end of shift.
- The following areas in the restaurant are off limits to staff (unless you are required in these areas to do your job): Liquor, Wine, and Beer storage rooms, walk in cooler, in the kitchen (line) area, behind the bar, and the office.
Dress Code Guidelines
- Standards: all employees must come to work in clean well pressed clothes that meet or exceed our standards. Failure will result in employee being sent home.
- Hygiene: all employees must be neat and tidy, including fresh cut finger nails. Hair, moustache & beards must be well groomed. Long hair must be pulled back in a ponytail. All styles are subject to approval by management. Beards must be trimmed, clean, shaped & tidy.
- Piercings: all visible piercings are up to management discretion.
- Waiter/Bartender: black caribou long sleeve/short sleeve shirt (dependant on season), black dress pants (no jeans, cords, or outside pockets), black leather shoes (non athletic) with rubber soles and hold a shine, black caribou apron, black socks.
- Bus: black caribou long sleeve/short sleeve shirt (dependant on season), black dress pants, and black leather shoes.
- Host/Hostess: Professional attire.
- Dish: white dish shirt, black pants, black leather shoes, caribou ball cap
- Cook/Chef: caribou chef coat, black/white stripe pants, caribou chef hat, black leather shoes, hair net (if applicable).
- After work: No Caribou logo'd clothing or chef pants please.
Rules for handling and serving Liquor
- Under age staff are not permitted to drink alcoholic beverages at any time on restaurant property. Failure to follow this rule will result in immediate dismissal.
- Employees serving alcohol are expected to check identification for any guest they suspect are underage, regardless of the situation. A good ‘rule’ is to check any person you believe looks younger than 25.
- All employees serving alcohol must carry the ‘Smart Serve’ card.
- Be aware that the law stipulates that you can only serve a person a ‘reasonable amount of alcohol’ at any given time, and that you must not serve anyone who appears intoxicated.
- If in doubt, check with a manager.
Caribou Restaurant Safety Policy Statement
Caribou Restaurant is committed to promote a safe and healthy workplace and environment for its employees and to establish and maintain safe working practices through proper procedures and direction. Safety is everyone's responsibility. It rests with all levels of management and each employee. Should any worker experience an injury or illness every effort will be made to accommodate that worker to ensure his attendance at work through this firm's Disability Management Program.
Senior Management:
It shall be the responsibility of Senior Management to establish and maintain adequate standards, policies, procedures, work practices and maintenance of buildings and equipment to provide a safe working environment and for ensuring that their managers are instructed and trained in safe working practices.
It shall be the responsibility of managers and supervisors to ensure that employees are instructed and trained in safe working practices to secure compliance with established Caribou Restaurant policies and procedures, conduct regular safety inspections, take appropriate action and conduct regular staff safety meetings, to report Senior Management any real or potential safety or health hazard and to conduct incident investigations.
It shall be the responsibility of every employee to observe the established Caribou Restaurant policies and procedures, to work in a prudent and safe manner and to report any real or potential safety or health hazard to their supervisor.
Health and Safety committee Members:
It shall be the responsibility of Committee members to promote safe work practices and conditions and to assist in creating a safe place of work by recommending actions that will improve the effectiveness of the Occupational Health and Safety Program.
Everyone at the Caribou Restaurant everyone is diligently committed to being leaders in the food service industry.
Emergency Preparedness Procedures
At Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar, we recognize that we must be prepared to deal with a wide variety of potential emergencies.
This Emergency Preparedness Document provides direction for all employees in dealing with such events. This document is to be kept current with respect to a number of different emergency scenarios.
Fire Emergency Procedures
1. Remove yourself from immediate danger.
2. Assist others in leaving the danger as long as it is safe to do so.
3. Confine the fire or smoke by closing doors and windows as you leave.
4. Activate the nearest fire alarm to alert building occupants.
5. Call the Fire Department at 911
Give the following information:
1. Building name, address
2. Specifics as to location of fire
3. Size or type of fire
4. Your location
5. Your name
6. Never attempt to use a portable fire extinguisher unless:
A. You have been properly trained.
B. The fire is small (wastebasket size)
C. You are not alone.
D. A safe escape route is present.
E. If any of these conditions are not present, simply close the door and evacuate.
7. If you choose to use a portable extinguisher, follow the PASS procedure
P - PULL the pin on the extinguisher.
A - AIM at the base of the fire.
S - Squeeze the handle before you approach the fire from about 10 feet away.
S – SWEEP and SPRAY covering the entire fire surface as you approach.
If this doesn’t extinguish the fire quickly; evacuate.
8. Evacuate through the nearest safe exit.
9. Go to the pre-determined evacuation assembly point, at the Town Center sign located south east of the building on Hewitson Street.
10. Once assembled, help to account for personnel and report to the emergency
staff if any occupants are unaccounted for and may still be in the building.
Please always remember that is important to avoid using wedges or otherwise blocking hallway and exit doors open. Open doors can allow smoke to enter stairwells and exit hallways, severely jeopardizing safe evacuation and hampering the efforts of fire department personnel.
1. NEVER assume the fire alarm is a false alarm.
2. Move to the safest exit or exit stairwell.
3. Close doors as you leave the area.
4. Exit the building.
5. Proceed to the Evacuation assembly area, located at the Town Center sign located south east of the building on Hewitson Street.
6. Wait for further instructions from Fire Department.
1. Wedge cloth material along the bottom of a door to keep the smoke out.
2. Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
3. Telephone the Fire Department at 911 and notify them of your situation.
4. If possible hang a red sheet of paper in the window.
5. Break windows only as a last resort, as they cannot be closed if necessary.
Chemical Spill or Release
Spills involving chemicals with properties that are known to offer no significant hazards to employees may be cleaned up by Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar employees. It is the responsibility of supervisory and management staff to review department chemical use and related MSDS documents to identify hazard potential from potential spill scenarios. If Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar employees are not confident that they can safely clean up the spill themselves, they must be treated as Hazardous Spills. Hazardous Chemical spills should only be handled by people who have had appropriate training in how to safely handle the chemical(s) in question. It is the responsibility of Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar supervisors to acquaint themselves with all materials in the workplace that pose a potential danger in the workplace.
Small/ Non-hazardous Spills
Even for small, non-hazardous spills, employees chosen to clean-up the spill should be properly equipped and trained to handle the situation. Personal protective equipment needed and precautions/procedures for use in clean-up are outlined in the material’s MSDS and spill guidelines. Points to consider for such plans include:
1. The hazards of the chemical(s) involved;
2. The amount of chemical(s) spilled;
3. The possible spill locations.
4. Availability of spill clean-up materials or kit.
5. Any protective equipment needed such as gloves.
- All spills should be reported to Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar Management with a report of appropriate actions taken to clean up the spill.
Hazardous Spill
If the spill is large, if the chemical is not easily identified, or if the chemical is deemed hazardous, then:
1. ALERT/ Notify personnel from the affected and adjacent areas.
2. Evacuate the area and close the door. If possible, lock the door to prevent any other persons from entering the contaminated area.
3. If possible, use sign or barricade to isolate the area.
4. If the release cannot be contained in the area, activate the nearest fire alarm as you evacuate.
5. Call 911
6. Stay upwind at least 300 feet from the building. ONLY use your building evacuation assembly area if the area is upwind of the building.
Be prepared to assist the authorities by providing spill details such as:
- The name and manufacturer of the chemical(s) involved. If you have an MSDS for the material(s) involved, take a copy with you for responders to reference.
- The amount of chemical(s) spilled.
- Spill location details, such as building, department, floor and room number if inside.
Medical Emergencies
In the event of a medical emergency:
1. Call 911.
2. Provide the following information
a. Building name
b. Address
c. Caller’s name and phone number
d. Nature of injury and severity of the injury or illness
e. Location of injured or ill person
f. Age of injured or ill person
g. Sex of injured or ill person
h. Current condition
i. Any known medical history
3. Remain with the person with the medical injury or illness. DO NOT move them unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
4. If the injured or ill person is a Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar employee, the employee’s supervisor must be notified.
Transportation to the Hospital
Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar will provide transportation to the hospital, doctor’s office or worker’s home when necessary.
The first method of transportation if required, is an ambulance.
Should this method of transportation not be appropriate, Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar will call for a taxi. The workers will be transported with the supervisor, or first aid attendant.
Should the employee refuse the transportation, Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar Company Name will attempt to:
- Identify any other transportation methods that the worker would prefer
- Reiterate the importance of accepting the transportation to the hospital, doctor’s office or worker’s home.
- Call 911 and get the ambulance attendant to administer medical attention on site.
- The workers will not be allowed to continue to work until medical clearance is provided.
Responsibilities of the Individual Traveling with the Injured Worker:
Maintain administering first aid
- Insure to take the appropriate documents (i.e. Functional Abilities Form, MSDS)
- Maintain contact with Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar, providing updates when the worker has arrived at their destination
- Return to Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar to provide additional follow-up and complete the injury documentation
- Additional duties may be added based on each individual circumstance.
Gas Leak
If you smell gas:
- If you smell gas or suspect a leak, cease all operations. Take appropriate actions to ensure your personal safety.
- Do not operate electrical switches, appliances or battery-operated devices if natural gas leaks are suspected. This could create sparks that could ignite gas from broken lines.
- Leave the area at once and activate the nearest fire alarm to initiate evacuation of the building.
- Call 911 from a pay phone or cell phone
- Give your name and the exact location of the leak (room, floor, etc.) as well as any other information you think would be useful. Be sure to stay on the phone until released by the emergency operator.
- If the situation warrants request that the fire department be called
- Evacuate the building by the nearest exit. Report to the building entrance to inform emergency response personnel of the situation.
- Warden and/or their designee will check occupied areas of their buildings and notify occupants that they must immediately evacuate the building by means of the nearest exit. Exit quickly and calmly by way of the nearest exit to a safe distance from the building. Leave sidewalks and roadways free for emergency responders.
- Proceed to the Evacuation assembly area, located at the Town Center sign located south east of the building on Hewitson Street.
- Do not reenter the building until authorized to do so by the authorities.
Motor Vehicle Accident
- Call 911 for Police, Fire and Ambulance.
- Assist any injured people.
- Exchange basic information from other drivers
- Obtain names and addresses from witnesses.
- Promptly report the accident to your supervisor
- Describe the vehicle crash site.
- Location details.
- Weather conditions.
- Time.
- Date.
Workplace Harassment Policy
Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar is committed to providing a work environment where all persons are treated with respect and dignity.
Harassment affects workplace and individual well-being and will not be tolerated. This policy aims to prevent harassment by promoting increased awareness, early problem resolution and the use of mediation. The application of this policy will help create a work environment where all are treated with respect and dignity. It will not only promote the well-being of all in the workplace, but it will reinforce those values of integrity and trust that are the foundation of a sound organization.
The policy promotes the prevention of harassment and focuses on the prompt resolution of harassment. Whether the source of harassment comes from within the company or from outside, any allegation of harassment is serious and should be taken seriously. Harassment needs to be addressed with sensitivity, promptness and discretion. Open communication and early intervention are essential in preventing and resolving harassment.
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar is committed to working with its employees to provide a safe work environment. Caribou Restaurant and Wine Bar will not tolerate any acts of violence and will take all reasonable and practical measures to prevent violence and protect employees from acts of violence. Appropriate remedial, disciplinary, and/or legal action will be taken according to the circumstances
All employees are responsible for preventing and reporting acts of violence that threaten or perceive to threaten a safe work environment.
Complaint Procedure
1. Prior to filing a formal report of the incident a person subjected to workplace violence
(the Complainant) should let their objections to the behaviour be known to the alleged
offender (the Respondent), directly or with the assistance of a third party.
2. A Complainant may ask for support from ____________________ (a trained HR
person or manager) to communicate their objections to the incident and/or to prepare and submit a formal complaint if they choose.
3. The Complainant should carefully record details of the incident including the date and
time of the incident, the nature of the violence, and names of people who may have
witnessed the incident. This document is the Complainant’s personal record and property.
4. The Complainant may choose to file a formal complaint that documents their concerns to __________________ ( ex: HR manager).
Tips for Preventing and Managing Incidents of Violence or Harassment
Although no incident of workplace violence is deserved, there are steps that you can take to reduce such incidents in your workplace. The following practical suggestions are recommended:
Dealing with a potentially violent person
1. Tips for verbal communication:
- • Focus your attention on the other person to let them know you are interested in what they have to say.
- • Do not glare or stare, which may be perceived as a challenge.
- • Remain calm and try to calm the other person. Do not allow the other person’s anger to become your anger.
- • Remain conscious of how you are delivering your words.
- • Speak slowly, quietly and confidently.
- • Speak simply.
- • Avoid communicating a lot of technical and complicated information when emotions are high.
- • Listen carefully. Do not interrupt or offer unsolicited advice or criticism.
- • Encourage the person to talk. Do not tell the person to relax or calm down.
- • Remain open-minded and objective.
- • Use silence as a calming tool.
- • Acknowledge the person’s feelings. Indicate that you can see he or she is upset.
2. Tips for non-verbal behaviour and communication:
- • Use calm body language – relaxed posture with hands unclenched, attentive expression.
- • Arrange yourself so that your exit is not blocked.
- • Position yourself at a right angle rather than directly in front of the other person.
- • Give the person enough physical space… this varies by culture, but normally 1–2 metres is considered an adequate distance.
- • Get on the other person’s physical level. If they are seated try kneeling or bending over, rather than standing over them. Do not pose a challenging stanch such as:
o Standing directly opposite someone
o Putting your hands on your hips
o Pointing your finger
o Waving your arms
o Crossing your arms
- • Do not make sudden movements which can be seen as threatening.
- • Do not fight. Walk or run away. Get assistance from security or police.
Responding to a physical attack
If you are attacked:
- • Make a scene, yell or scream as loudly as possible. Try shouting words like STOP, FIRE, or HELP.
- • If you are being pulled along or dragged, fall to the ground and roll.
- • Blow a whistle, activate your personal security alarm or push the security alarm.
- • Give bystanders specific instructions to help you. Single someone out and send them for help. For example, “You in the yellow shirt, call the police.”
- • If someone grabs your purse, briefcase or other belongings, do not resist. Throw the item to the ground several feet away from the thief and run in the opposite direction, yelling “help” or “fire’.
- • Do not chase a thief.
- • Run to the nearest safe place, a safe office or an open store.
- • Call security or the police immediately after the incident.
- • If the attack does not warrant calling the police, inform your supervisors or the authorities at your workplace.
- • File an incident report.
Be Prepared
- • Take a self-defence course.
- • Try to imagine yourself responding successfully to different types of attacks.
Practice your responses.
Working Off-Site
If you work away from a traditional office setting you must exercise extra caution. In many cases you have less or no ability to control your work environment. You may require special training to avoid violence by using conflict resolution and mediation tactics. Nevertheless, the following specific preventative tactics or procedures will minimize or prevent risks associated with working off-site:
- • Have access to a cellular telephone or similar means of communication.
- • Use an established check-in procedure that allows you to manage typical situations you may encounter off-site.
- • Prepare a daily work plan so that you and others know where and when you are expected somewhere.
- • Arrange to meet in a safe environment.
- • Be alert and make mental notes of your surroundings when you arrive at a new or different setting.
- • Use the “buddy system”, especially when you feel your personal safety may be threatened.
- • Determine under which circumstances unaccompanied visiting would involve unacceptable risk.
- • Exercise your right to refuse to work in clearly hazardous situations.
- • Disclose any feelings of discomfort or apprehension about an impending appointment to your supervisor.
- • Do not enter any situation or location where you feel threatened or unsafe.
- • Carry hand-held alarms, noise devices or other effective alarm devices.
When you are in unfamiliar premises:
- • Check for escape routes and position yourself near an escape route.
- • Mentally rehearse what you will do if an individual becomes aggressive or hostile. Decide what your best preventive tactic will be.
- • Take control of the seating arrangements. If possible, seat yourself near the door.
- • Maintain a “reactionary gap” between you and the person – out of reach of the average person’s kicking distance. Increase the gap by sitting at a table. Be aware of the person’s proximity at all times.
- • Be well prepared for an appointment. Review the available information about the individual(s) you are meeting.
- • Terminate the appointment in a non-confrontational manner if the individual appears to be:
o Intoxicated
o Under the influence of drugs
o Emotionally disturbed and threatening or out of control
Do not allow yourself to be backed into a corner. Leave a clear path to the exit.
Do not venture too far into the premises e.g. remain near an exit.
Do not turn your back on the person or enter a room first.
Terminating a Potentially Violent Interaction
- • Interrupt the conversation firmly but politely.
- • Tell the person that you:
o Do not like the tone of the conversation
o Will not accept such treatment
o Will end the conversation if necessary.
- • Tell the person that you will ask them to leave the building, or that you will leave (if working off-site).
- • If the behaviour persists, end the conversation.
- • Ask the person to leave the building or leave yourself.
- • If the person does not agree to leave, remove yourself from the scene and inform your manager or supervisor immediately.
- • Do not return to the person if you believe they pose a physical threat.
- • Advise other staff and have them leave the immediate area.
- • Call security or your local police.
- • File an incident report.